

How To Pack For University

Going to University is an exciting time. So exciting in fact, that keeping track of what to pack for Uni can be a bit...


Should I go to University? Questions to ask

There’s nothing like the feeling of finishing your final exams at A-Level. But as the excitement subsides, you have to start thinking about what...


How To Ace A Group Project At University

University group projects are a dreaded prospect for most students. Forcing you to team up with strangers, there’s always the chance that your grade...


How To Deal With Failing An Exam

There’s no escaping it – exams are one of the most important parts of uni life. They go towards your final grade, you spend...

Spoil Your Mum As A Student For Mother’s Day

Has your Mum strategically made plans to come and see you on Sunday 27th March? Yes, that’s because it’s Mothers Day, clever thinking from Mum....


What Can I Do For Valentine’s Day On A Budget?

On average, people in the UK spend around £35 on Valentine’s Day – most definitely over the amount the average student budgets for each...

life after univ

How To Prepare For Life After University

After the joy of graduating, the average student has to face some pretty scary and life-altering decisions. First and foremost – what to do...

mroning person

How To Become A Morning Person For University

University students aren’t known for waking up early. Surprisingly, partying late and waking up later eventually catches up to your body. If you struggle...